Yoga for Bulging Disc

Yoga is a great treatment option for a variety of conditions. Doing some yoga poses/asanas that target a body part with a problem can help heal it and promote rapid recovery in just a few sessions.

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Slipped or bulging disc is a condition wherein one of the spinal canal discs gets torn or protrudes. Any part of the spinal cord can suffer from bulging disc, but it is more common in the lower back area. Slipped disc can occur due to varied causes, but the primary cause is often wrong spine movement or a sudden jerk to the spinal cord.

Bulging disc causes very painful symptoms and may cause loss of bladder or bowel movements. However, doing specific yoga exercises can help combat this condition.

Yoga is regarded as one of the best ways to heal a bulging disc. A few yoga poses are designed to specifically target and correct the imbalances, thereby bringing the discs back to their correct places. It is important to avoid exerting yourself when practicing the yoga postures as that will aggravate slipped disc and exacerbate the pain and other symptoms.

Also, as bulging discs is a serious condition, patients need to ensure that they take adequate rest. Sufficient rest time will help speedy up the process of recovery.

Presented below are varied yoga asanas for bulging disc. These are specifically done to relieve back pain as well as revert the equilibrium and balance of the spinal cord bones.

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  • Tree posture/Vriksha-asana
    • This asana rectifies posture and eases lower back tension and stress.
    • Stand erect with hands on side. Bend a leg at the knee and keep on thigh of second leg. Lock the knee of the second leg. Lift the arms above the head and place them together. Pull the body upwards so that it stretches.
  • Bow posture/Dhanurasana
    • This asana strengthen the complete spine and enhances flexibility.
    • With legs slightly apart lie on abdomen. Bend the legs backwards and use the hands to firmly hold the ankles. Pull the legs towards the head and slowly (with lots of practice) the legs will touch the head.
  • Cobra posture/Bhujangasana
    • This yoga asana can help cure bulging disc and cervical issues by promoting strength and flexibility in the spine.
    • With toes flat on ground and heels together, lie on abdomen. Keep the palms on the floor and raise the upper body. Ensure that the body area, from the toes to the belly button, is in touch with the floor. Lift the head skywards and pressure will be felt near the belly button region.
  • Triangle posture/Utthita Trikonasana
    • This asana boosts flexibility of spine and stretches it.
    • Stand straight with legs apart at shoulder distance. Spread out the arms in a ‘T.’ Drop the right arm and stretch as if trying to touch the ankle; do not bend the waist during this. The left hand with be pointing skywards and the ‘T’ shape will be maintained. Repeat the pose on the other side.
  • Locust posture/Salabhasana
    • This yoga asana primarily targets the lower back and helps stretch it so that the bulging disc can come back to its original position.
    • Lie on abdomen with hands on side. Gradually elevate the legs causing the tail bone to press towards the pubis. Now raise the upper trunk, head, and hands upwards from the ground. The body will now be resting on the front pelvis and lower ribs.
  • Child posture/Balasana
    • This asana stabilizes blood circulation and lightly stretches the muscles without putting strain on it.
    • Kneel on ground with thighs in parallel position to ground. Bend the trunk forwards so that the forehead touches the ground and the torso rests on the thighs. You may pull your arms backwards and hold the ankles or extend them forward and place them on the ground.
  • Plow posture/Halasana
    • This yoga asana works out the complete spinal cord and helps it regain the balance and equilibrium.
    • Lie on back with hands on side and palms flat on floor. Lift the hips, buttocks, and lower back off the floor and then try and feel the feet on the ground near the back of the head. Ensure that breathing is normal and hold the yoga asana for 2 to 5 seconds. This posture is difficult to do in the beginning, but with practice and time it will become very easy.
  • Wheel posture/Chakrasana
    • This yoga asana manages and corrects blood circulation as well as strengthens the bones of the spinal cord.
    • Lie on back and bend legs towards the posterior. Rotate the hands backwards towards the shoulders and place them there with the palms flat on floor. Now raise the body in such a manner so that the back and neck form an arch with the head suspended between the shoulders. Assistance or support may be needed to perform this pose in the initial period.


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