Slipping Rib Syndrome

Slipping rib syndrome is a condition that causes the cartilage in your lower rib to slip causing pain in the upper abdomen and chest. There are many names for slipping rib syndrome such as rib tip syndrome, displaced ribs, painful rib syndrome, etc. The condition occurs in the thoracic region which consists of many structures such as ribs, arteries and veins, muscles, thoracic vertebrae and nerves.

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The ribs in the thoracic area include:

  • Ribs which are connected to the sternum by ligaments and costosternal joints or true ribs.
  • Ribs which are attached to each other via a fibrous band or false ribs.
  • Ribs which are not connected to the sternum or each other or floating ribs.

All the ribs are connected to the thoracic vertebrae. The slipping rib syndrome affects the false ribs especially the 10th rib and occasionally the 9th and 8th ribs are also affected. These ribs are affected because they have a weak attachment which increases their movement and hence more prone to trauma or injuries.

This condition is not so common and medical studies have shown that it affects women more than men. Studies have reported slipping rib syndrome in individuals who are below 12 years old and elderly. But this condition is more common in middle-aged people.

Causes of Slipping Rib Syndrome

The exact cause of slipping rib syndrome is not known. It might occur as a result of trauma or injury and surgery on the rib cartilage. But medical diagnosis has revealed no signs of trauma or injury to the rib cartilage.

In some cases, slipping rib syndrome is associated with hypermobility of the floating and false ribs. This hypermobility occurs as a result of injury or trauma to the thoracic and abdominal structures.

Other causes include poor postures and recent surgery in your abdomen. A poor posture can strain your ribs and as a result damage them. Surgeries done in the abdomen can cause damage to the ribs there which can lead to slipping rib syndrome.

Risk Factors

There are some factors that can elevate your chances of developing slipping syndrome such as

  • People who involve themselves in sports such as football, rugby and hockey can injure their chests which make them prone to developing slipping rib syndrome.
  • People who have a history of mild injury to the chest may also be at risk of getting slipping rib syndrome.

Symptoms of Slipping Rib Syndrome

Slipping rib syndrome can exhibit some signs and symptom. These symptoms can occur on one side or two sides of your ribcage. These symptoms include:

  • A patient will experience severe pain in the upper abdomen or lower chest especially in the false ribs. This pain is usually sharp, stabbing and occurs occasionally and may be followed by a dull sensation. Soft spots can from on the top of the costal margin.  You can also hear popping and clicking sensation in your lower rib.
  • Another symptom is a patient may have difficulties in breathing.
  • These symptoms worsen when a patient tries to turn in bed, stretch, breathe deeply, cough, bend or lift something.


Diagnosis of slipping rib syndrome is not easy because its symptoms are similar to other conditions. First, your doctor will ask a health history about your symptoms; when they began and anything that makes them complicated. Also  let your doctor know about activities that you partook in before you developed pain in the chest or the abdominal area.

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Apart from these, your doctor can order some tests to diagnosis the condition. These tests include

  • Hooking maneuver test: In this test, your doctor puts his/her fingers underneath the costal margin and pulls the ribcage up and down. If this test causes pain and discomfort, your doctor may not need other tests to confirm diagnosis of slipping rib syndrome.

Your doctor might conduct other tests to exclude other similar conditions such as

  • Appendicitis
  • Asthma
  • cholecystitis
  • Gastric ulcers
  • Bronchitis

In addition, your doctor may refer you to another specialist for further evaluation. The specialist may ask you to move particular parts of your body or keep certain postures so as to determine the link between them and the pain.


Pain can cause deformity in some people with slipping rib syndrome. These can affect daily actions such as wearing a cloth or turning to the side. Slipping rib syndrome does not harm your internal body structures.

Treatment of Slipping Rib Syndrome

Treatment for slipping rib syndrome may include a combination of medications and home remedies. The following are some of the treatment options:

  • Medications: Pain relieving medications can be prescribed such as ibuprofen. Your doctor may inject a corticosteroid to lower swellings and intercostal nerve block can be used to ease pain.
  • Surgery: Surgery intervention can be used if the condition is very painful. Your doctor may conduct a costal cartilage excision to treat slipping rib syndrome.
  • Physical therapy: Your doctor may suggest a physiotherapist to help you improve rib and muscle movement to treat this condition.

You can also try the following self-care tips to ease symptoms and promote healing from slipping rib syndrome:

  • Have enough rest
  • Do light activities
  • Apply ice or heat on the affected area to reduce pain.
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