Cyst on Forehead

Cyst on Forehead

Cysts are non cancerous lumps or bumps on your skin that may be filled with pus or fluid. They are very common on the skin and can appear anywhere. Cysts appear on your skin as a result of an infection or obstruction of oil glands or sebaceous glands.

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Causes of Cyst on Forehead

There are many causes that can lead to a cyst forming on your forehead. Some of these causes include:

Blocked oil gland: Oil glands also known as sebaceous glands are responsible for producing sebum (the oil substance). In case these glands become overactive, they produce excess sebum which blocks the pores of your skin. This causes sebum to accumulate under your skin which hardens and forms a solid mass thus creating a cyst in your forehead.

Injury or trauma: Cysts can result from any form of injury or trauma on your skin. Cysts on your forehead form when you hit your head on a material or someone smacks your head with an object. This causes the skin on your forehead to swell which forms a lump.

Changes in hormones: Hormonal imbalances can cause cysts. For example, during menstrual period, a woman experiences changes in her hormones; estrogen and progesterone hormones. This causes the oil gland to produce more sebum which blocks the pores of your skin, leading to cysts forming.

Skin conditions: There are numerous skin conditions that cause lumps to appear on your skin. They include:

  • Cherry angioma: This is a flat cherry–red lump found on your skin. Cherry angioma occurs mostly on the trunk of your body. But it can develop anywhere on your body including your forehead. Cherry angioma occurs in people who are above 40 years of age.
  • Acne Vulgaris: Acne is a condition that affects your skin. It occurs as a result of changes in hormones that increase the supply of sebum in your body. Excess production of sebum blocks the pores of your skin which causes small pimples to appear on your face.
  • Although acne affects the face, it may occur on your neck, arms and back. Acne occurs mostly in teenagers or adolescents because of changes in their hormones.
  • Milia: These are small white lumps that appear on your lips, cheeks, nose and forehead. Milia occur when keratin, a type of protein found in the nails, skin tissues and hair is trapped under your skin.
  • In infants, milia occur as a result of changes in hormone of the mother. The baby is born with this condition and it appears after few days of birth. In adults, milia occur due to the following: exposure to sun which damages the skin, injuries or trauma cause blisters on your skin and using steroid drugs for a long period of time.

Gardener’s syndrome: This is a condition caused by genetic factors. Gardener’s syndrome is common in people who have a mutated APC gene. This defective gene restricts cell growth thus stopping cells from dividing quickly. This causes tissues in your body to grow abnormal and can also lead to cysts developing under your skin.


Cysts on the forehead show the following symptoms:

  • The cysts grow gradually. They are not painful and they are smooth when you touch with your finger. In some cases, the cysts may swell and become painful.


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In case you notice the cyst on your forehead is not going away after several days, you need to seek medical attention. Your dermatologist will examine the cyst and conduct tests to determine the cause of the infection.

Your doctor can order a skin biopsy to determine the cause the infection. In this test, your doctor removes a sample of the affected skin on your forehead and analyses it for pathogens.

Treatment for Cysts on the Forehead

Cysts on the forehead are not painful and they can go way without any treatment in some people. In case the cysts rupture and become swollen, you need treatment which depends on the cause of the condition.

Cysts can be treated with a combination of medicines and natural home remedies such as

  • Corticosteroid: Your doctor may inject corticosteroid medication in your vein to reduce inflammation and swellings.
  • Topical medication: Your doctor may suggest topical ointment to be applied on the affected area to treat the condition.
  • Surgery: In some cases, your doctor makes an incision on the cyst to drain the fluid in order to promote some relief.

Natural remedies: You can eliminate a forehead cyst by trying the following home remedies:

  • Cider vinegar: Raw vinegar can help ease itching and prevent skin infection. To use cider vinegar, immerse a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and apply it on the cyst on your forehead. Leave the cotton ball for a few minutes and remove it. Repeat this several times a day and each day until the cyst completely fades away.
  • Turmeric: Turmeric has antibacterial properties to cure infections and eliminate the cyst. Mix a few drops of mustard oil with turmeric powder to a form a paste. Apply this paste on the affected area in the morning and evening each day.
  • Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera can treat a number of skin issues including the cysts and pimples. It also eases itching and lowers redness on your skin. To make it, extract fresh aloe Vera gel form aloe leaf and apply on the affected place. Leave it for about 20 minutes and wash it off. Repeat this for several days until the cyst disappears.


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