Cyst in Throat

Cyst in Throat

A cyst is lump that has an outer layer, which contains either liquid or gases in it. There are different kinds of cysts depending on their place of origin from the tissues. Cysts can develop in any part of the body and in most instances, they are not that symptomatic. Attention should not be given to them as they disappear after a given period of time. It is however important to note that cysts do give some symptoms that we can take note of.

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Symptoms and complications

The cyst developing inside the throat may cause obstruction in swallowing and difficulty in breathing. Medication attention should be taken one the cyst persists as they can cause several complications to the body. Some of the most common complications to the cysts include pressure to the nearby tissues. There is also a possibility of the cyst being infected. In addition, the cysts could be cancerous due to the growth of the tissues. However, this complication is so rare to happen.



Causes of cyst in the throat

 Swollen lymph tissues

The area around the neck and chin are covered with several lymphoid tissues. They are known to as the immune tissues. They prevent entry of any of foreign body into the body system. When a virus gets through the body in form of the infection the lymphoid tissues becomes active and their cells swell. The swelling around the cells causes the formation of the cyst. The patient may find it difficult to swallow the food and feels pain in the throat.

Epidermoid cyst

The swelling of the neck is most likely to be an epidermoid cyst. In normal circumstance, the outer cell of the skin is supposed to be exfoliated. However, in this case the epidermis cells move inside the skin to form a cluster of the cells. The dead cells consist of  keratin, a fibrous protein.

Dermoid cyst

It is a cyst found in the cells since birth. It is always small in size and it can go unnoticed and it increases in size as the age of an individual increases. It develops due to the abnormal growth of the skin during fetus formation. Thy cysts contain hair follicles, sebaceous glands and the sweat glands. The glands produce secret the oily substances that fills the sacs to form the cyst.

Sebaceous cyst

This develops in the skin of the neck due to blockage of the sebaceous glands. The fluid contained in the cyst is known as sebum.

Swollen salivary glands

This can happen at the front of the neck and is visible through the swelling of the neck. It can be seen as a result of the swollen glands. The swelling is as a result of the swollen glands. The swelling develops as a result of the infection. The swelling is cystic in nature.


The presence of cyst could be as a result of cancer. It could be as a result of the cancerous tissues forming in the throat.

Thyroglossal cyst

This is known as irregular lamp, which forms after the tissues that were left after the formation of the thyroid gland. They are commonly referred to as fibrous cyst and they can appear anywhere from the base of the tongue to or areas around the neck.

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Cyst in Throat – Treatment

Most of the throat cyst always disappears. They can however by drained through a surgical operation. This is achieved by placing a needle at the cavity. Before surgery is formed various test are performed to establish if the liquid are cancerous. Any suspicion of cancerous cyst, a biopsy may be performed. This mostly applies for Thyroglossal cysts however; care may be taken if there is a possible interference with are digestive tract also future surgery may be hampered.

Also, the treatment may be dependent on the underlying medical condition. In such a case, the underlying problem will be treated. Therapeutic treatment may be performed on the cyst. Antibiotics may be administered in case of infections. Antibiotics such as clindamycin, ampicillin may be used. When the infection improves, then oral antibiotics may be used. They include amoxicillin and clindamycin. Cortisone medication may also be performed.

Among the above specific causes of cysts, infections, cell defects, faulty organs, repeated inflammatory conditions, duct blockages, parasite and trauma from an injury might cause thy cyst. The symptoms of the cysts completely vary. They may depend with the type of the cyst, the location and size. But the more noticeable symptom is the appearance of the lump. Follow up after surgery or exercising is always encouraged as from 2-3 weeks to avoid any possible complication. Complication associated with surgery includes recurrence, hematoma and infection. When surgery is done and the patient experiences severe pain, fever, consistent vomiting and swollen incision, the doctor should be immediately contacted.



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