Trapped Gas

Trapped Gas

One of the things that could spoil someone’s day by making them feel uncomfortable is trapped gas. Whatever one eats or drinks could be a reason for gas formation in…

Bruised Toenail

Bruised toenail is usually termed as subungal hematoma which means blood beneath the nail. Bruised toenail generally occurs when a person suffers from an injury inside the nail. Injuries to…
Sediment in Urine

Sediment in Urine

Some sediment is commonly find in people's urine, however whether it is normal or not can only be determined by a close analysis of the type and quantity of the…
Lamictal Rash

Lamictal Rash

Lamictal rashes are the rashes caused as a side effect of Lamictal drug also known as Laomtrigine drug. It is an anticonvulsant drug and is commonly used in the treatment…