Mosquito bites – Pictures, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

Mosquito bites – Pictures, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

Mosquito bites rash is caused due mosquito bites, which are bugs from the Culicidae family. The mosquitoes have a slim body that is equipped with a pair of stable wings, long legs and a pair of halters. The female mosquito is the most dangerous of the lot and often responsible for sucking the blood of humans and animals. It is a potent carrier of many illnesses and has been the main cause of millions of human deaths over several centuries. Mosquito bites and mosquito bite rashes are a considerable hazard to humans, even as of now.

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Allergic reaction to mosquito bites

  • The signs and symptoms accompanying a mosquito bite rash tend to vary from one patient to another. A few affected individuals may instantly elicit the signs, while some others may experience them post the development of a mosquito bite rash.
  • A mosquito bite rash often tends to result in swelling at the site of the bite, in addition to itchiness
  • When patients scratch a mosquito bite rash, then it can lead to development of a visible lump
  • Excessive scratching of the site affected by a mosquito bite rash can result in tearing of the skin and formation of small wounds, which are vulnerable to bacterial and other pathogenic infections.
  • Increased incidence of mosquito bite rashes can increase the immunity to the adverse effects of a mosquito bite, thereby causing milder symptoms with subsequent episodes. However, children are at greater susceptibility to allergic reactions to a mosquito bite rash, as their immune systems are still in developmental stages.
  • Most of the signs accompanying a mosquito bite rash disappear in a few hours, or at the most in one day.
  • Mosquitoes have a powerful sense of smell and are attracted to the chemicals that we release from our body.  One of these chemicals is carbon-dioxide, women and larger people tend to release them in more quantities, in terms of respiration. The more of carbon-dioxide being breathed out, the easier it is for mosquitoes follow you and bite you.


  • Mosquitoes have inhabited the planet for approximately 30 million years. They are able to detect their prey with the aid of sensors capable of identifying lactic acid, carbon dioxide and other chemicals from even one hundred feet away. It is a known fact that humans and other animals give out the gases during the normal breathing process. They then bite the victims and cause a mosquito bite rash.
  • Mosquitoes are also drawn to substances present in sweat. This is believed to be one of the reasons why individuals who sweat heavily tend to get bitten by mosquitoes more often, as compared to those who sweat less. Mosquitoes are also equipped with other sensors that allow then to detect organisms in motion. Lastly, they posses heat sensors that ensure the detection of warm blooded organisms in the nearby areas.
  • The female mosquito uses a sharp, razor-thin organ called the proboscis to puncture the skin and suck the blood. Hence, most sufferers are usually unaware of the insertion of the proboscis into the body. The saliva of the mosquitoes has anti-blood clotting properties which facilitate easy suction of blood.
  • A tiny gash appears at the site of the mosquito bite, after the insect has had its fill. Such a wound contains some saliva. It is prone to swelling and with the passage of time, forms into a mosquito bite rash or a welt. The proteins occurring in the saliva activate an immune response which leads to itchiness. The mosquito bite rash and swelling gradually disappear, but the itching continues till the salvia proteins are fully wiped out by the immune system

Diseases caused by a mosquito bite rash

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  • An anopheles mosquito bite rash can result in malaria. The illness causes symptoms like headache, fever, chills and malaise or a general feeling of being unwell. It is a deadly disease which can cause fatalities, but mostly treatable with anti-malarial medicines
  • An Aedes Aegypti mosquito bite rash causes yellow fever. The symptoms are like those accompanying malaria, as well as vomiting, jaundice and nausea. Yellow fever has no known cure and only the symptoms can be managed. Vaccination and stopping the growth of Aedes Aegypti habitats can prevent the disease.
  • A mosquito bite rash associated with the Asian tiger and Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes respectively causes dengue fever in Asia and the tropics. The disease can result in several symptoms and can additionally cause the life threatening hemorrhagic fever or viral flu
  • Encephalitis may result from a mosquito bite rash of the Aedes mosquito. Various accompanying symptoms include headache, fever, neck stiffness, disorientation and sleepiness

Treatment of  mosquito bites

Since prevention is better than cure, all necessary preventive steps to avoid a mosquito bite rash formation must be taken.

However, patients can follow the steps listed below to treat a mosquito bite rash:

  • Wash the location of the mosquito bite rash with an antiseptic soap and then tap it dry. Ensure that the affected area is not scrubbed while cleaning
  • Application of an ice pack can alleviate itchiness and irritation
  • Application of topical anesthetics or calamine lotion can also help in easing the itching at the affected sites
  • The affected skin areas should not be scratched, as eventual wounds can be at risk to developing secondary infections
  • When a mosquito bite rash is accompanied by the symptoms of associated diseases, then immediate medical care is vital for curing them.

Mosquito Bites Pictures

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