VI Peel – All You Wanted to Know

VI Peel – All You Wanted to Know

It has been said that if you look good, you feel good. People have always been conscious about their appearance as far as the skin is concerned. Being the most visible body part, the skin is usually exposed to some dangers such as germs, bacteria, and the intense sun. Others may just be a victim of genetics such as oily skin that is usually prone to acne and scars. Either way, the skin has always been one to monitor in terms of its health. One modern way of returning damaged skin to its former glory is through the use of VI Peel.

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The VI peel has been growing in popularity in recent times. The effects of sun damage and acne can be depleting to the self-esteem of an individual. With the help of qualified professionals, however, all these blemishes can be reversed to retain the natural glow of the skin. On top of all that, it is a virtually painless procedure that has minimum complications. Is it any wonder every middle-aged individual is looking to medical grade chemical peel for some dermatological salvation? Before embarking on this skin procedure, however, it is always important to understand the process, cost and overall implications that come with the VI peel.


How much is the VI Peel (Cost)?

Chemical peel treatment is a fairly costly procedure, but the aftermath may prove worth it if done the right way. The prices are highly dependent on the skin conditions that are being tackled. Skin conditions can range from breakouts to hyperpigmentation. On average, the cost can range from $150 to up to $500 for a session, but this again will depend on the skin condition, the location where it is performed.

One major merit of this procedure that perhaps gives it an edge over other skin reclamation procedures is the fact that it can achieve results in a week, what other products may not achieve for years.


VI Peel- the process

There are specialists in this field who are well equipped with the necessary skills to ensure the entire procedure is virtually flawless. In the process of peeling, one false move or missed step could lead to an ineffective procedure or worse still, more damage to the skin.

Since the process is aimed at the skin, which is fairly easy to access, the procedure takes about 30 minutes, depending on the severity of damage your skin has experienced. Otherwise, it is a fairly simple process that takes quite a short period with little downtime. Some people have reported having a burning sensation during the process but when dealing with a fully qualified professional, he or she should be in a position to offer a numbing agent so that the peeling process is less painful. Despite the numbing agent, the peeling process will still feel intense, but it will surely be less painful.

The numbing agent is usually within the peel once it is activated. Once the peel makes contact with the skin, there is a stinging sensation initially. But after the topical anesthetic takes effect, the patient will feel almost nothing. The peel is carefully applied to the face using a gauze pad until it completely covers the intended surface area.

As soon as the application is done, one is free to leave – with the peel still on. The peel is meant to stay for a few days so as to serve its full purpose. Immediately after the procedure, one is bound to look and feel red, but that sensation will subside over a short time.

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VI Peel – Side Effects

It is kind to note that there are a variety of skin types. As such, VI Peel may have different side effects on different skin types. Delicate skin is usually subject to massive irritation and itching once it undergoes the procedure. During recovery, one is required to maintain the peel using sunscreen and peel protectant. Such products may also come with burning sensations, and unfortunately, their application is inevitable. If the irritation is too intense, one should follow up with the service provider to assess the skin situation and act swiftly on the way forward.

Side effects may also be influenced by the depth of the chemical peel. VI Peel is a very strong peel compared to other types and can, therefore, have some intense side effects. The skin is very sensitive after undergoing such procedures. It is, therefore, advisable to avoid the sun and some skin products, which may aggravate the pain.

 VI Peel – Before and After Pictures


A patient may feel swollen immediately after the procedure. This is little cause for concern, as the swelling will subside in the coming 24 hours. The overall recovery and complete transformation usually take seven days. Within the first two to three days, however, the skin will begin to peel. This peeling is painless and distinct, and should not be altered or interrupted in any manner.

VI Peel solutions may not necessarily apply to everyone. Before considering undergoing the procedure, it is advisable to schedule an appointment with your dermatologist to get an overview of your skin as well as exactly what it requires.

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