Orange Urine

Orange Urine

The urine color often changes because of changes in the diet, lifestyle and medication. Eating food that contains food dyes may also bring changes in the color of urine. Specific health problems can also be a reason. Orange urine is a rare sight but its symptoms are not. The orange color of urine can be a symptom of consuming carotenoids which means the supplements or foods items that contain beta-carotene.

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Genital or urinary infection, lack of water intake, injuries, traces of blood and other diseases can also be some of the generalized reasons. Infection in the bladder, uterus, kidney or hepatitis can also cause orange urine. It can also occur because of pancreatic or liver cancer. The change is not only in the color but also in the frequency of urination and other changes such as foul-smell or clouding in the urine.

Orange urine – causes

1. Medical conditions: This is the most common reason for not only changes in the urine color but also other health issues. Orange colored urine generally indicates a problem with the liver, bile and the duct. The lighter the urine color, the higher are the chances that the liver and bile duct are affected. In some cases, orange urine can indicate a problem with your liver or bile duct, especially if you also have light-colored stools. Dehydration also makes it Orange due to the concentration of urine and thereby deepening its color. Even jaundice can lead to urine discoloration.
2. Food consumption: Intake of certain food items such as beets, Blackberries, Rhubarb, Senna herbs can give an orange hue to the urine. The discoloration in the urine due to food lasts only for two to three days but if stays for long then you might want to consult a doctor.
3. Dehydration means not getting enough water which can easily affect that normal color and other elements of your urine. Higher concentration due to lack of water can give darker and lighter shades to the urine.
4. Laxatives: Certain laxatives such as the ones that a herb called Senna and is used to cure constipation, may also affect your urine color.
5. Vitamins and Supplements: Taking vitamins such as B, C or high amounts of beta carotene, could turn your normal light yellow urine into bright yellow or orange. Beta carotene is also the substance which gives orange color to carrots and other fruits and vegetables.
6. Chemotherapy: There are some chemotherapy drugs that can harm your liver, bladder or kidneys, and also change your urine color.
7. Medications: Some medicines like riboflavin, warfarin, phenazopyridine, isoniazid, and sulfasalazine are some common medicines responsible for the discoloration of urine.

Orange urine in Pregnancy

Physical changes for pregnant women are more worrying. Changes in the urine color can make them anxious but it doesn’t indicate something serious. The reasons are mostly elementary such as lack of water intake and consumption of certain medicines such as the prenatal vitamins that causes the urine color to change. Even after the urine color changing, women have a normal and healthy pregnancy so one must not worry about it.

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What you drink

During pregnancy one has to be more careful about the water amount consumed. In fact one must not worry but must be careful about any significant changes in the urine color and smell as well as frequency. The urine color changes from pale yellow to dark yellow if the water intake is low. Color in the urine can also suggest traces of blood and this requires medical attention with no delay.

What you eat

Keeping a track of what you eat during pregnancy also plays an important role. Food items such as asparagus, carrots, beet, rhubab can give orange color to the urine. Some food items that contain food colors can also be a reason. Therefore a well balanced diet with essential nutrients is a must. If the discoloration of urine is accompanied by itching and pain then you must see a doctor.

Your daily dose of the vitamins

Prenatal Vitamins play an important function in changing the urine color. Whatever doesn’t get absorbed through the vitamins in the body is then removed from the urine. Prenatal vitamins come packed with very useful elements that are necessary for the mother and the potential baby but the body might not absorb all of it. For example Vitamin B12 is a common vitamin that causes orange or dark yellow urine during pregnancy. It doesn’t mean that you should stop taking the prenatal vitamins. Generally a lot of medicines do give a darker color to the urine and that is one reason the doctors always recommend an extra amount of water intake than what you drink normally. The orange color urine unless accompanied with other discomforts shouldn’t be cause of urgent concern.

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